"I'm always searching for new inspiration while I'm on the go. This makes the momondo app the perfect travel companion for me."

Camilla Strømsvik

"Being flexible with my travel dates is the most effective way to find cheaper flights. momondo's Flexible Search makes that easy."

Filipe Morato Gomes

"Discover articles help me gather detailed local insights and inspiration for my next trip."

Malthe Zimakoff

"As travelers, planning a trip is just as important as living it. Custom ticket turns our time constraints into a journey."

Carla Mota & Rui Pinto

Despre noi Why travelers choose momondo

22 reasons why travelers choose momondo

We believe everyone should be able to travel the world – and a great start to any trip is an amazing flight price. Travelers trust momondo because they know from experience that they’ll find the best prices available.

But it’s not just about price. We have a whole host of features and tools to help you get inspired, plan the perfect trip and get really excited. These are all reasons why travelers choose - and stay with - momondo.

Explore the reasons

Search the world with one click

Search the world with one click

Our powerful travel search engine drills through a vast number of providers of all sizes to find the cheapest flights available – including ones that other search engines might overlook.
Photo: Camilla Strømsvik

# 1

700+ providers

Compare prices from a comprehensive list

700+ providers

# 1

700+ providers

Compare prices from a comprehensive list

With momondo, you use a search engine that quickly scans hundreds of airlines and online travel agents from one place, and brings you an easy overview of the best prices available.

See airlines

# 2

Big and small providers

Your flight may be from a little-known provider

Big and small providers

# 2

Big and small providers

Your flight may be from a little-known provider

Naturally we search the online travel agents and airlines you’re familiar with. But we also search lesser-known providers, giving you the best odds of finding cheap flights to practically anywhere in the world.

# 3

Best in test

Recommended by travel experts

Best in test

# 3

Best in test

Recommended by travel experts

We consistently find the cheapest flights in independent tests and are recommended by Frommer’s, CNN and The New York Times.

"It's hard to know all the airlines, so we love how the search tool does the work for us and finds the cheapest flight!"

Aylin & Stefan Krieger

"It's hard to know all the airlines, so we love how the search tool does the work for us and finds the cheapest flight!"

Aylin & Stefan Krieger

Get inspired and start planning

Get inspired and start planning

With travel, the world is your oyster. Open it with insightful tips and recommendations, destination suggestions you can reach on your budget, and trip planning tools you can bring with you anywhere.
Photo: Malthe Zimakoff
Anywhere Search

# 4

Anywhere Search

Get inspiration for new destinations that fit your budget

Anywhere Search

# 4

Anywhere Search

Get inspiration for new destinations that fit your budget

Flexible on destination but fixed on budget? Anywhere Search suggests destinations based on dates, continents, budget or what kind of trip you want to take.

Try it out


# 5


Keeps track of all your travel details


# 5


Keeps track of all your travel details

Trips is a personal planning tool that makes it easy for you to organize, see and share your flight, hotel and restaurant bookings. You can even get flight and gate updates – all right from the palm of your hand.

Learn more

# 6

The momondo app

Everything you love about momondo, right in your pocket

The momondo app

# 6

The momondo app

Everything you love about momondo, right in your pocket

Make detailed searches to find flights, use Anywhere Search, read inspiring articles, book a hotel or car and much more – all on the go.

# 7

momondo places

Your local guide to the most popular cities

momondo places

# 7

momondo places

Your local guide to the most popular cities

For all those times you want to find a great recommendation on the spot – even when offline. The momondo places guide is a free app for iOS that dishes up hundreds of tips from locals on city restaurants, bars, hotels, shops and attractions.

# 8


Find your next trip with travel articles full of local insights


# 8


Find your next trip with travel articles full of local insights

Delve into Discover: a series of articles brimming with tips and insights on specific destinations and the art of traveling.

Go there

When to travel?

When to travel?

The perfect trip is all about the right combination of dates and prices. Start looking at dates early and be flexible on them so you can strike when the price is right. See how we can support you along the way.
Photo: Marie Hettfleisch & Jan Koza
Flexible Search

# 9

Flexible Search

Save money by being flexible on your flight dates

Flexible Search

# 9

Flexible Search

Save money by being flexible on your flight dates

Flexible with your travel dates? Flexible Search searches all the different flight prices three days before and after your chosen departure and return dates so you can see the difference in prices.

Search now

Price Calendar

# 10

Price Calendar

See which dates your flight is the cheapest

Price Calendar

# 10

Price Calendar

See which dates your flight is the cheapest

Want to know the best time to travel? With Price Calendar, you get an instant indication of how the flight prices for your route change over a longer period so you can see the cheapest dates.

Search now

Flight Insights

# 11

Flight Insights

Find the best flight by knowing the factors that influence the price

Flight Insights

# 11

Flight Insights

Find the best flight by knowing the factors that influence the price

Use Flight Insights to find out how many days in advance you should book your flight, plus see which weekday, month and time of day you should travel to get the best price on your flight.

Try it out

"We love that momondo lets you check when flights are cheapest. We get the most out of our money and can spend it on exploring instead!"

Annika & Daniel Majak on Price Calendar

"We love that momondo lets you check when flights are cheapest. We get the most out of our money and can spend it on exploring instead!"

Annika & Daniel Majak on Price Calendar

Find the best available flight prices for you

Find the best available flight prices for you

Take advantage of our tools and services that focus only on making sure you end up with a price you’re thrilled with.
Photo: Melissa Schumacher
Price Forecast

# 12

Price Forecast

Get our prediction on whether you should book now or wait

Price Forecast

# 12

Price Forecast

Get our prediction on whether you should book now or wait

Price Forecast predicts if the price of your flight will increase or decrease based on historical data, and lets you know whether now is the best time to book or if it can pay to wait.

Search now

# 13

Price Alert

Easily follow price developments and book when the price is right

Price Alert

# 13

Price Alert

Easily follow price developments and book when the price is right

Sign up for Price Alert to track prices on your selected flight and get notified when it goes up or down so you can strike at the right time.

Search now

# 14

Price Guarantee

Book with extra assurance that you’ll get the cheapest prices available

Price Guarantee

# 14

Price Guarantee

Book with extra assurance that you’ll get the cheapest prices available

With Price Guarantee, we happily pay you the difference if you find the same hotel room cheaper on another site within 24 hours.

Learn more

"Traveling with family is expensive. I start my search way in advance and use Price Alert for notifications. Then I can buy as soon as the price drops."

Samantha Duarte

"Traveling with family is expensive. I start my search way in advance and use Price Alert for notifications. Then I can buy as soon as the price drops."

Samantha Duarte

Customize your search

Customize your search

Put yourself at the wheel for your next search with our intuitive filters that zoom in on just the right flight for you.
Photo: Marie Hettfleisch & Jan Koza
Custom ticket

# 15

Custom ticket

Build your own ticket to fit your schedule and convenience

Custom ticket

# 15

Custom ticket

Build your own ticket to fit your schedule and convenience

With the Custom ticket builder, you can make your own combination of outbound and return flights to suit your preferences.

Search now

# 16

Layover filters

Puts you in control of your layovers

Layover filters

# 16

Layover filters

Puts you in control of your layovers

When layovers can make or break your flight, these filters are a necessity. Set how many layovers you’ll allow per flight leg and how long the layovers can be.

Search now

# 17


Get a flight overview according to your priorities


# 17


Get a flight overview according to your priorities

This sorting option immediately shows the cheapest available flights, the ones with the shortest duration or the best combination of the two.

Search now

# 18

Airlines and Alliances

Choose only from the flights that use your preferred airlines

Airlines and Alliances

# 18

Airlines and Alliances

Choose only from the flights that use your preferred airlines

Are you building up mileage by only using certain airlines – or do you have a favorite airline? The Airlines and Alliances filters let you filter search results according to your preferred airlines or alliances.

Search now

# 19

+ 10 other practical filters

Whatever your flight needs, you’ll find it here

+ 10 other practical filters

# 19

+ 10 other practical filters

Whatever your flight needs, you’ll find it here

Do you need a flight that takes three hours maximum, has wifi and departs after 5 p.m.? Filter your results from a wide range of options to end with the perfect flight for your requirements.

Search now

# 16

Layover filters

Puts you in control of your layovers

Layover filters

# 16

Layover filters

Puts you in control of your layovers

When layovers can make or break your flight, these filters are a necessity. Set how many layovers you’ll allow per flight leg and how long the layovers can be.

Search now

# 17


Get a flight overview according to your priorities


# 17


Get a flight overview according to your priorities

This sorting option immediately shows the cheapest available flights, the ones with the shortest duration or the best combination of the two.

Search now

# 18

Airlines and Alliances

Choose only from the flights that use your preferred airlines

Airlines and Alliances

# 18

Airlines and Alliances

Choose only from the flights that use your preferred airlines

Are you building up mileage by only using certain airlines – or do you have a favorite airline? The Airlines and Alliances filters let you filter search results according to your preferred airlines or alliances.

Search now

# 19

+ 10 other practical filters

Whatever your flight needs, you’ll find it here

+ 10 other practical filters

# 19

+ 10 other practical filters

Whatever your flight needs, you’ll find it here

Do you need a flight that takes three hours maximum, has wifi and departs after 5 p.m.? Filter your results from a wide range of options to end with the perfect flight for your requirements.

Search now

"Travel is about pushing toward something grand. momondo filters results based on airlines so I can collect points and travel more."

Lydia Antivalidis on the Airlines filter

"Travel is about pushing toward something grand. momondo filters results based on airlines so I can collect points and travel more."

Lydia Antivalidis on the Airlines filter

No hidden fees

No hidden fees

We strive to make sure that what you see is what you pay.
Photo: Eleonora Truzzi & Damiano Bonazzi

# 20

Price Assistant

No hidden surprises in your flight price

Price Assistant

# 20

Price Assistant

No hidden surprises in your flight price

Price Assistant gives you a detailed overview of what’s included in your flight price. See any credit card or baggage fees up front.

Search now

# 21

Free to use

Search as much as you like for free

Free to use

# 21

Free to use

Search as much as you like for free

momondo is not an online travel agency, but a free and unbiased pricerunner scouring the internet for the best flight prices for you.

# 22

100% price transparency

Search without worry – it won’t influence the price

100% price transparency

# 22

100% price transparency

Search without worry – it won’t influence the price

The flight prices you see are never affected by your search history. We only use cookies to enhance your user experience.

What's your reason for choosing momondo?

Tell us which of our features you use most and why. We'll select the best quotes and use them on this page.